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아파치 소프트웨어 재단은 아파치 오픈 소스 소프트웨어 프로젝트 커뮤니티 지원을 제공합니다.
아파치 프로젝트는 협업과 개발 프로세스를 기반으로 하는 상호간의 공감대와 개방되어 있는 실용적인 소프트웨어 라이센스, 그 분야에서 선두를 달릴 수 있는 고품질 소프트웨어 개발을 추구하고 있습니다.

우리는 심플한 서버 공유 프로젝트의 모임이라고도 하지만 오히려 개발자와 사용자간의 커뮤니티라고 생각합니다.

Apache Directory Server 1.5.6 릴리즈

뉴스/소식 | 2010. 3. 24. 11:04 | Posted by 노안돼지

아파치 디렉터리 팀에서 다수의 성능 향상과 발견된 버그를 수정한 아파치 디렉터리 서버 버전 1.5.6을 발표하였습니다.

다운로드는 아래 주소에서 받으실 수 있습니다.

새로워진 점

* 스키마 서브시스템이 완전히 재작성 및 재구성됨.
* 스키마 기반의 LDIF 지원
* DirectoryService / LdapServer의 시작과 종료에 대해 주석 지원이 되는 새로운 테스팅 프레임 웍으로 설계.
* 서버 통합 테스트에서 새로운 클라이언트 LDAP API 사용.
* backend에서 LDIF 파일을 사용하여 새로운 파티션 구현.
* ApacheDS는 MINA 2.0.0-RC1를 사용.


Apache Directory Team


Apache Directory Studio 1.5.2 릴리즈

뉴스/소식 | 2009. 12. 15. 09:56 | Posted by 노안돼지

The Apache Directory Team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Directory Studio 1.5.2, a bug fix and enhancement update of its Eclipse based LDAP Browser and Directory client.

You can download Apache Directory Studio 1.5.2 as a standalone RCP application for Mac OS X, Linux and Windows here:

You can install it directly in Eclipse using this update site:

Here are a few highlights of this new version:

  • fixed a critical bug that does not allow a newly created Apache DS server to be started correctly
  • fixed a major bug in DN parsing of certain entries

Developed as a sub-project of the Directory Top Level Project, Apache Directory Studio is an Eclipse RCP application that takes full advantage of the benefits inherent in the Eclipse platform. Composed of several Eclipse (OSGi) plugins, Apache Directory Studio can be easily upgraded with additional plugins. Apache Directory Studio plugins can even run within a full installation of Eclipse itself.

Apache Directory Studio contains 6 major features:
  • an LDAP Browser feature
  • an LDIF Editor feature
  • an ACI Editor feature for Apache Directory Server
  • a Schema Editor feature
  • an Apache DS feature
  • an Apache DS Configuration feature

For more information about Apache Directory Studio, see our website:


The Apache Directory Team


Apache Directory Studio 1.5.1 릴리즈

뉴스/소식 | 2009. 12. 3. 18:43 | Posted by 노안돼지

The Apache Directory Team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Directory Studio 1.5.1, a bug fix and enhancement update of its Eclipse based LDAP Browser and Directory client.

You can download Apache Directory Studio 1.5.1 as a standalone RCP application for Mac OS X, Linux and Windows here:

You can install it directly in Eclipse using this update site:

Here are a few highlights of this new version:

  •  a bug where a modify operation could be sent to the server when refreshing the LDAP Browser view
  • correctly handling entries with a hash sign (#) in their DN
  • glitches and performance improvements in the UI
  • typos in the french translation

Developed as a sub-project of the Directory Top Level Project, Apache Directory Studio is an Eclipse RCP application that takes full advantage of the benefits inherent in the Eclipse platform. Composed of several Eclipse (OSGi) plugins, Apache Directory Studio can be easily upgraded with additional plugins. Apache Directory Studio plugins can even run within a full installation of Eclipse itself.
Apache Directory Studio contains 6 major features:

  • an LDAP Browser feature
  • an LDIF Editor feature
  • an ACI Editor feature for Apache Directory Server
  • a Schema Editor feature
  • an Apache DS feature
  • an Apache DS Configuration feature

For more information about Apache Directory Studio, see our website:

Below are the JIRA issues that were resolved since the release of Apache Directory Studio 1.5.0:

The Apache Directory Team


Apache Directory Studio 1.5 릴리즈

뉴스/소식 | 2009. 11. 7. 16:20 | Posted by 노안돼지

The Apache Directory Team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Directory Studio 1.5, a new major update of its Eclipse based LDAP Browser and Directory client.

You can download Apache Directory Studio 1.5 as a standalone RCP application for Mac OS X, Linux and Windows here:

You can install it directly in Eclipse using this update site:

Here are a few highlights of this new version:

 * LDAP Browser
   - GSSAPI Authentication
   - Entry Editors (ability to open single/multiple editors using tabular or LDIF editing mode)
   - Speed improvements when deleting and importing entries
   - Added UUID value Editor
   - Added MS GUID and SID Value Editors
   - Added Certificate Value Editor
   - Better value modification strategy
   - Added Certificate verification for LDAPS and a Certificate Manager
   - Improved referral handling

 * LDIF Editor
   - Opened LDIF editors are now restored between launches

 * Apache DS
   - Latest version of Apache DS (1.5.5) now bundled

 * Apache DS Configuration
   - Support for editing server.xml from the latest version of Apache DS (1.5.5)

 * Schema Editor
   - Added the ability to get a schema directly from a server
   - Added the ability to merge schemas between projects
   - Various bug fixes

 * RCP
   - Eclipse 3.5 Galileo dependencies

 * General
   - Reordered preference pages (all under a common 'Apache Directory Studio' root)

Developed as a sub-project of the Directory Top Level Project, Apache Directory Studio is an Eclipse RCP application that takes full advantage of the benefits inherent in the Eclipse platform. Composed
of several Eclipse (OSGi) plugins, Apache Directory Studio can be easily upgraded with additional plugins. Apache Directory Studio plugins can even run within a full installation of Eclipse itself.

Apache Directory Studio contains 6 major features:
 * an LDAP Browser feature
 * an LDIF Editor feature
 * an ACI Editor feature for Apache Directory Server
 * a Schema Editor feature
 * an Apache DS feature
 * an Apache DS Configuration feature

For more information about Apache Directory Studio, see our website:

Below are the JIRA issues that were resolved since the release of
Apache Directory Studio 1.4.0:

The Apache Directory Team


Apache Directory Server 1.5.5 릴리즈

뉴스/소식 | 2009. 8. 21. 08:50 | Posted by 노안돼지
Apache Directory Server 1.5.5 릴리즈
Apache Directory팀에서 오랫동안 기다려왔던 Apache Directory Server 1.5.5를 어제부로 릴리즈 하였습니다.
이 릴리즈는 아래 주소에서 받으실 수 있습니다.

