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'directory'에 해당되는 글 11

  1. 2009.04.11 Apache Directory Studio 1.4.0 released
아파치 소프트웨어 재단은 아파치 오픈 소스 소프트웨어 프로젝트 커뮤니티 지원을 제공합니다.
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Apache Directory Studio 1.4.0 released

뉴스/소식 | 2009. 4. 11. 16:36 | Posted by 노안돼지

The Apache Directory Team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Directory Studio 1.4.0, a new major update of its Eclipse based LDAP Browser and Directory client.

You can download Apache Directory Studio 1.4.0 as a standalone RCP application for Mac OS X, Linux and Windows here:

You can install it directly in Eclipse using this update site:

Here are a few highlights of this new version:

 * The whole application and its plugins are now available in English, German and French
 * A lot improvements in the LDAP Browser
 * New DIT Quick Search
 * New GeneralizedTime Value Editor
 * Added the ability to copy/paste a search
 * Improved error handling
 * Improved general attributes handling
 * And other bug fixes
 * The RCP application now bundles Eclipse 3.4.2 dependencies
 * Minor improvements and bug fixes on the other plugins

Developed as a sub-project of the Directory Top Level Project, Apache Directory Studio is an Eclipse RCP application that takes full advantage of the benefits inherent in the Eclipse platform. Composed
of several Eclipse (OSGi) plugins, Apache Directory Studio can be easily upgraded with additional plugins. Apache Directory Studio plugins can even run within a full installation of Eclipse itself.

Apache Directory Studio contains 6 major features:

 * an LDAP Browser feature
 * an LDIF Editor feature
 * an ACI Editor feature for Apache Directory Server
 * a Schema Editor feature
 * an Apache DS feature
 * an Apache DS Configuration feature

For more information about Apache Directory Studio, see our website:

Below are the JIRA issues that were resolved since the release of Apache Directory Studio 1.3.0:

[DIRSTUDIO-373] - Can't delete a tagged attribute if the non tagged
attribute belong to the DN
[DIRSTUDIO-395] - Problems with special chars (german Umlauts)
[DIRSTUDIO-396] - Custom LDAP attributes not shown in entry editor
[DIRSTUDIO-419] - Problems switching between connections
[DIRSTUDIO-420] - Unable to locate in DIT (f3)
[DIRSTUDIO-423] - Outline view does not respect the settings of the
Entry Editor on displaying or not the operational attributes
[DIRSTUDIO-427] - Operational attributes turned on by itself
[DIRSTUDIO-430] - NullPointer exception when fetching children of a node
[DIRSTUDIO-436] - Eclipse Hangs on Startup
[DIRSTUDIO-440] - Multiple user permissions precedence issue
[DIRSTUDIO-442] - Typo in a warning of the New ObjectClass wizard
('attribute type' instead of 'object class')
[DIRSTUDIO-456] - Cannot create an entry with mandatory binary attribute
[DIRSTUDIO-457] - Unknown schema causes attributes to be treated as operational
[DIRSTUDIO-460] - Pressing 'Enter' in New Entry wizard should edit the attribute
[DIRSTUDIO-463] - Browsing the directory produce too many search requests
[DIRSTUDIO-465] - Context entry created from an LDIF import is not
shown in the Browser view
[DIRSTUDIO-466] - Incorrect error message when importing a bad XML schema file
[DIRSTUDIO-468] - The LDIF parser does not correctly parse changes
[DIRSTUDIO-469] - Added wrong AttributeTypes can't be deleted
[DIRSTUDIO-470] - Schema Browser view is not bring to front when using
the 'Open Schema Browser' menu item while the view is already opened
but not the frontmost view
[DIRSTUDIO-472] - SWTException (Widget is disposed) when disabling DIT
Quick Search

[DIRSTUDIO-115] - Unable to edit operational attribute values
[DIRSTUDIO-150] - Improve error handling
[DIRSTUDIO-207] - Operationnal attributes cannot be shown entirely
[DIRSTUDIO-234] - Greyed out menu items should have a tool tip
explaining *why* they're greyed out
[DIRSTUDIO-241] - The "New Value" action (in the Entry Editor) should
be disabled if the AT is defined as single valued
[DIRSTUDIO-411] - Select a new created folder in the connection view
[DIRSTUDIO-412] - Add expand all and collapse all actions to the
connections view
[DIRSTUDIO-426] - Overwritten hashCode() method should not use super.hashCode()
[DIRSTUDIO-455] - Cannot copy/past an existing search
[DIRSTUDIO-477] - Update Eclipse dependencies to version 3.4.2
[DIRSTUDIO-478] - The 'Exit' menu item from the 'File' menu should be
removed when running on Mac OS X

New Feature
[DIRSTUDIO-335] - DIT Quick Search
[DIRSTUDIO-397] - Request for multi-language GUI
[DIRSTUDIO-449] - Add a new GeneralizedTime Value Editor
[DIRSTUDIO-474] - Support for parentOfEntry userClass in ACI Editor

[DIRSTUDIO-451] - [I18n] Templates not I18ned in LdifEditor
[DIRSTUDIO-458] - [I18n] Bundle Eclipse language packs
[DIRSTUDIO-480] - Update copyright year in the splash screen to 2009

[DIRSTUDIO-439] - Ldif importer should be case-insensitive in the
changeType attribute

The Apache Directory Team
