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Apache Maven Fluido Skin 1.2 발표

뉴스/소식 | 2012. 3. 26. 12:44 | Posted by 노안돼지

The Apache Maven team is happy to announce the release of Apache Maven Fluido Skin 1.2

The Apache Maven Fluido Skin is an Apache Maven site skin built on top of Twitter's bootstrap and other nice widgets. The main news of the current release is the upgrade to Twitter Bootstrap 2 and the integration of social networks share buttons, such as Facebook and G+.

Follow belo the list of resolved issues:


 [MSKINS-26] - hard coded style with padding-top for body [MSKINS-31] - If you have no <body> you get error on rendering Improvement

 [MSKINS-32] - Use ${project.name} as default for bannerLeft New Feature

[MSKINS-29] - upgrade to bootstrap 2.0.0 [MSKINS-33] - Add Facebook like button integration [MSKINS-34] - Add google +1 button support Wish

[MSKINS-28] - Make it possible to center "powered by" logos in sidebar


More details how to integrate the skin in your Apache projects can be found on the skin homepage <http://maven.apache.org/skins/maven-fluido-skin/>

Enjoy and have fun!

-Simo, on behalf of the Apache Maven team.
