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아파치 소프트웨어 재단은 아파치 오픈 소스 소프트웨어 프로젝트 커뮤니티 지원을 제공합니다.
아파치 프로젝트는 협업과 개발 프로세스를 기반으로 하는 상호간의 공감대와 개방되어 있는 실용적인 소프트웨어 라이센스, 그 분야에서 선두를 달릴 수 있는 고품질 소프트웨어 개발을 추구하고 있습니다.

우리는 심플한 서버 공유 프로젝트의 모임이라고도 하지만 오히려 개발자와 사용자간의 커뮤니티라고 생각합니다.

Apache Maven Fluido Skin 1.2 발표

뉴스/소식 | 2012. 3. 26. 12:44 | Posted by 노안돼지

The Apache Maven team is happy to announce the release of Apache Maven Fluido Skin 1.2

The Apache Maven Fluido Skin is an Apache Maven site skin built on top of Twitter's bootstrap and other nice widgets. The main news of the current release is the upgrade to Twitter Bootstrap 2 and the integration of social networks share buttons, such as Facebook and G+.

Follow belo the list of resolved issues:


 [MSKINS-26] - hard coded style with padding-top for body [MSKINS-31] - If you have no <body> you get error on rendering Improvement

 [MSKINS-32] - Use ${project.name} as default for bannerLeft New Feature

[MSKINS-29] - upgrade to bootstrap 2.0.0 [MSKINS-33] - Add Facebook like button integration [MSKINS-34] - Add google +1 button support Wish

[MSKINS-28] - Make it possible to center "powered by" logos in sidebar


More details how to integrate the skin in your Apache projects can be found on the skin homepage <http://maven.apache.org/skins/maven-fluido-skin/>

Enjoy and have fun!

-Simo, on behalf of the Apache Maven team.


Apache Maven 3.0.3 릴리즈

뉴스/소식 | 2011. 3. 9. 09:56 | Posted by 노안돼지

The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Maven 3.0.3

Maven is a project comprehension and build tool, designed to simplify the process of maintaining a healthy development lifecycle for your project. You can read more here:


Downloads of source and binary distributions are listed in our download section:


A major goal of Maven 3.0.x is to be compatible, to the extent possible, with existing plugins and projects designed for Maven 2.x. Users interested in upgrading to 3.x should have a glance at the compatibility notes for known differences between Maven 3.0 and Maven 2.x:


Users who already use Maven 3.0.x are encouraged to update to this new maintenance release.

If you encounter unexpected problems while using Maven 3.0.3, please feel free to contact us via the Maven developer list:


Release Notes - Maven 2 & 3 - Version 3.0.3 (since 3.0.2 only)

** Bug
   * [MNG-4551] - List parameter in a mojo has strange behaviour
   * [MNG-4956] - Cygwin mvn script modifies CLASSPATH environment variable
   * [MNG-4962] - MavenProject.getParent fails to build when parent POM, in reactor, references BOM also in reactor
   * [MNG-4963] - [regression] Parent POM not downloaded when settings define global mirror and one snapshot repo but no other release repository
   * [MNG-4973] - [regression] Build extensions are invisible to plugins in multi module build
   * [MNG-4975] - [regression] plugin executions injected from profile run before instead of after existing executions in the POM
   * [MNG-4982] - [regression] Cycle between transitive dependencies causes bad effective dependency scope
   * [MNG-4987] - [regression] LATEST, RELEASE or SNAPSHOT version picked from wrong repository when resolution order does not match timestamp order
   * [MNG-4990] - RepositorySystem#resolve(request) uses two different local repositories
   * [MNG-4991] - LegacyRepositorySystem#injectProxy(repositories, proxies) doesn't evaluate non-proxy hosts
   * [MNG-5000] - [regression] child distributionManagment.site.url not correct in a flat directory layout when child's artifactId doesn't match its module name
   * [MNG-5003] - MavenPluginManager serves m2e partially initialized mojo descriptors in some cases
   * [MNG-5005] - bin/mvn contains platform specific echo when on Mac OSX and JAVA_VERSION envvar is set
   * [MNG-5006] - [regression] Resolution of parent POMs for dependency using version range does not consider all configured repositories
   * [MNG-5009] - StackOverflowError in DefaultProjectBuilder.build when <module> points at current aggregator POM
   * [MNG-5014] - [regression] MavenProject.getParent().isExecutionRoot() not properly set
   * [MNG-5019] - [regression] String-based component lookups performed by report mojos fail with ClassCastException
   * [MNG-5023] - Wrong calculation of Build Total time

** Improvement
   * [MNG-3575] - Allow hexadecimal parameters
   * [MNG-4971] - Display maven home in version info
   * [MNG-4984] - Simplify drop in of 3rd party extensions for Maven core
   * [MNG-4988] - API to calculate execution plan without full mojo execution configuration
   * [MNG-4992] - Allow to configure plugin parameters of type java.util.Properties just like a map
   * [MNG-5011] - Allow to configure array/collection type plugin parameters via system properties
   * [MNG-5012] - Allow to configure array-typed plugin parameters from expressions yielding collections and vice versa
   * [MNG-5013] - Allow to condense configuration of plugin parameter beans that commonly require only one value
   * [MNG-5020] - JAVA_HOME auto discovery
   * [MNG-5028] - Obey generics in plugin collection parameters when populating them
   * [MNG-5033] - Allow to inline collection/array items within plugin configuration

** Task
   * [MNG-5024] - Update default plugin versions


-The Maven team


Apache Maven 3.0 릴리즈

뉴스/소식 | 2010. 10. 10. 01:15 | Posted by 노안돼지
The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Maven 3.0.

Maven is a project comprehension and build tool, designed to simplify the process of maintaining a healthy development lifecycle for your project. You can read more here:


Downloads of source and binary distributions are listed in our download section:


A major goal of Maven 3.0 is to be compatible, to the extent possible, with existing plugins and projects designed for Maven 2.x. Users interested in upgrading to this new major release should have a glance at the compatibility notes for known differences between Maven 3.0 and Maven 2.x:


If you encounter unexpected problems while using Maven 3.0, please feel free to contact us via the Maven developer list:


Last but not least, the Maven team would like to thank all the users that tested the various alphas/betas/RCs and provided valuable feedback that helped us to eventually release a solid Maven 3.0!

Release Notes - Maven 2 & 3 - Version 3.0 (since 3.0-beta-3 only)


-The Maven team

The Apache Sling team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Sling Commons OSGi 2.0.6, Launchpad Base 2.2.0 and Maven Launchpad Plugin 2.0.6.

Apache Sling Commons OSGi provides utility methods when implementing OSGi related services
and components.

Apache Sling Launchpad Base contains the core Launchpad OSGi application framework.

Apache Sling Maven Launchpad Plugin facilitates the development, execution, and distribution of Launchpad-based OSGi applications.

This release is available from http://sling.apache.org/site/downloads.cgi and Maven:




Release Notes - Sling - Version Commons OSGi 2.0.6


-The Sling team


Apache Tika 0.7 릴리즈

뉴스/소식 | 2010. 4. 5. 00:10 | Posted by 노안돼지

Apache Lucene 프로젝트에서 Apache Tika 0.7 릴리즈를 발표하였습니다.

이 릴리즈 컨텐츠는 메인 아파치 릴리즈 사이트와 the m2 ibiblio에 먼저 발표되었으며, 이제 곧 미러 사이트들이 sync되면 릴리즈 정보을 확인하실 수 있을 것입니다.

Apache Lucene의 서브 프로젝트인 Apache Tika는 existing 파서 라이브러리를 사용하는 다양한 다큐멘트에서 메타 데이터 추출,  텍스트 컨텐츠의 구조화, 감지를 위한 툴킷 입니다.

Apache Tika 0.7은 버그 픽스와 개선 사항이 있었으며, 자세한 내역은 아래 change file을 참조하시기 바랍니다.

Apache Tika는 아래 다운로드 페이지에서 소스를 다운 받으실 수 있습니다.

Apache Tika는 Central Maven Repositories의 Maven 2나 아래 사이트에서 바이너리 파일을 다운 받으실 수 있습니다.

초기 48시간 동안 모든 미러사이트에 미러가 되지 않을 수 있습니다.
미러 사이트로부터 다운로드 할때, 반드시 Apache site의 시그너처를 사용하여 다운로드 내역을 검증하시길 바랍니다.

Apache Tika에 대한 자세한 정보를 원하시면, 프로젝트 홈페이지를 방문하시기 바랍니다.
