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'2011/08/19'에 해당되는 글 3

  1. 2011.08.19 Apache Tomcat 6.0.33 릴리즈
  2. 2011.08.19 Apache JMeter 2.5 릴리즈
  3. 2011.08.19 Apache AntUnit 1.2 릴리즈
아파치 소프트웨어 재단은 아파치 오픈 소스 소프트웨어 프로젝트 커뮤니티 지원을 제공합니다.
아파치 프로젝트는 협업과 개발 프로세스를 기반으로 하는 상호간의 공감대와 개방되어 있는 실용적인 소프트웨어 라이센스, 그 분야에서 선두를 달릴 수 있는 고품질 소프트웨어 개발을 추구하고 있습니다.

우리는 심플한 서버 공유 프로젝트의 모임이라고도 하지만 오히려 개발자와 사용자간의 커뮤니티라고 생각합니다.

Apache Tomcat 6.0.33 릴리즈

뉴스/소식 | 2011. 8. 19. 16:18 | Posted by 노안돼지
The Apache Tomcat team announces the immediate availability of Apache Tomcat 6.0.33 stable.

Apache Tomcat 6.0.33 is primarily a security and bug fix release.
All users of older versions of the Tomcat 6.0 family should upgrade to 6.0.33.

Note that is version has 4 zip binaries: a generic one and three bundled with Tomcat native binaries for different CPU architectures.

Apache Tomcat 6.0 includes new features over Apache Tomcat 5.5, including support for the new Servlet 2.5 and JSP 2.1 specifications, a refactored clustering implementation, advanced IO features, and improvements in memory usage.

Please refer to the change log for the list of changes:


Migration guide from Apache Tomcat 5.5.x:

Thank you,

-- The Apache Tomcat Team

Apache JMeter 2.5 릴리즈

뉴스/소식 | 2011. 8. 19. 00:08 | Posted by 노안돼지
The Apache JMeter team announces the availability of Apache JMeter 2.5

This is a new release which adds many new features and corrects a lot of bugs.

JMeter 2.5 requires Java 1.5 or later to run.

== All users are recommended to upgrade. ==

Apache JMeter is a Java application designed to test server applications.
It can be used to:
* generate test loads
* test functional behaviour
* measure performance.
It includes support for protocols such as HTTP(S), JDBC, JMS, FTP, and
It can also be extended with user-written code.

See http://jakarta.apache.org/jmeter/

The release can be downloaded from:


When downloading, please verify signatures using the KEYS file.

Only the binary archive is needed to run JMeter - there is no need to
download the source archive.

However there are some optional libraries which are not included.
See the "Getting Started" page for details:

The list of changes since version 2.4 can be found at:


All users are recommended to upgrade to this release.

The JMeter team

Apache AntUnit 1.2 릴리즈

뉴스/소식 | 2011. 8. 19. 00:07 | Posted by 노안돼지
The Apache Ant Team is proud to announce the 1.2 release of Apache AntUnit.

AntUnit is a library of task and types for Apache Ant that can be used to perform functional tests using Ant build file.  It is especially well suited to test Ant tasks and types themselves.

Version 1.2 is mostly a bugfix release but also adds some new assertions and now supports passing of Ant references to the build under test.

Souurce and binary distributions are available from the Apache Ant download site:


Please verify signatures using the KEYS file available at the above location when downloading the release.

Changes in this version include


For complete information on AntUnit, including instructions
on how to submit bug reports, patches, or suggestions for improvement,
see the Apache AntUnit website:


Stefan Bodewig, on behalf of the Apache Ant community